26 February 2020

talk meetup Frederik Hahne

Auf einen Blick

Am 22.04.2020 um 18.30 Uhr


Am Mittwoch, den 22.04.2020 lädt die Java User Group Paderborn zum Vortrag Integrationtests with Testcontainers mit Kevin Wittek ein.

Der Vortrag

Unit testing is fine, but without proper integration testing, especially if you work with external resources like databases and other services, you might not know how your application will actually behave once it has been deployed to the real production environment.

Before Docker, configuring the environment for integration testing was painful – people were using fake database implementations, mocking servers, usually it was not cross-platform as well. However, thanks to Docker, now we can quickly prepare the environment for our tests.

In this talk I would like to show how you can use Testcontainers – a popular Java testing library that harnesses Docker to easily, reliably, spin up test dependencies.

We will use it with a Spring Boot microservice and test against real PostgreSQL and Mongo data stores, we’ll isolate it from other microservices, then start Selenium browsers in Docker and test our application, and all with the same library!Come and learn why Apache, Spring, ZeroTurnaround, JetBrains, Playtika, Zipkin and others already decided to use Testcontainers for their integration testing needs!

Der Redner

Kevin is Testcontainers co-maintainer and Testcontainers-Spock author, in love with FLOSS. Received the Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador award for his contributions to the Open Source community. Software Craftsman and testing fan. Plays the electric guitar and is a musician in his second life. Fell in love with TDD because of Spock. After many years working in the industry as an engineer, Kevin is now doing his PhD at RWTH Aachen on the topic of verification of Smart Contracts and is leading the Blockchain Research Lab at the Institute for Internet Security in Gelsenkirchen at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences.


myview systems GmbH, Lindberghring 1, 33142 Büren

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